Public Information Request

Public Information Request

The State of Texas Public Information Act allows citizens to request a wide variety of records, reports, and information from a governmental body such as the City of Olney.


Effective September 1, 2019, pursuant to section 552.234 of the Government Code, a person may make a request for public information only by delivering the request by one of the following methods to the governmental body’s public information officer or the officer’s designee:


You can submit your request in person:

City Secretary's Office

201 East Main Street

Olney, Texas 73674


By email:


By mail:

City Secretary's Office

P.O. Box 546

Olney, Texas 73674


any other method approved by the governmental body.


The Process

When a Public Information Request (PIR) is submitted, it is logged by the City Secretary and forwarded to the City Attorney, then the information will be researched and records gathered. Under Texas State law, Section 552 of the Texas Government code, the City Secretary has ten business days to request a ruling from the State Attorney General's Office, provide a cost estimate letter, request clarification from the requestor, or to respond to your request with a date and time that your request will be ready.

Keep in mind that not all information can be released and, in some cases, may not exist. When there is a question as to whether certain information can be released the City will seek an opinion from the State Attorney General's Office. For more information, please contact the City Secretary's Office at (940) 276-2011.